Q.1What services are provided by Edorium eDocs?
Q.2What documents can Edorium eDocs work with?
Q.3Are your services cost-effective?
Q.4What is your turnaround time?
Q.5How about confidentiality and security?
Q.6Do you sign non-disclosure agreements and confidentiality agreements?
Q.7I have a project for Edorium eDocs. What should I do?
Q.8How can I send my files?
Q.9What should I send you?
Q.10What specifications are required for images?
Q.11Will I get my document within the deadline?
Q.12When does the work deadline start?
Q.13 I have an urgent work, can you do it?
Q.14Should I have my file proofread before or after formatting?
Q.15Will formatting change the words or word count of my document?
Q.16Can I review my work before finalizing?
Q.17Who owns all the rights to my formatted document?
Q.18What software will be used for formatting my documents?
Q.19 Will I get the source file of the document?
Q.20How much do I pay for your services?
Q.21How can I make the payment?
Q.22Do you require an advance payment?
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